A day at the Dioxin Dorms

Good morning,,,

I’ll have the weekly aspects for you in a bit…by 10 am EDT…efc

Dear Friend and Reader:

I spent most of the day yesterday at the Dioxin Dorms at SUNY New Paltz. It was opening day of the residence halls (for most students; for example frosh and international students had arrived a few days earlier).

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Casey and Meg pose outside their dorm, Scudder Hall, near the scene of a 1991 electrical explosion. Photo by Eric Francis.

Keeping with campus tradition, very few returning students are out into these four dorms that were contaminated in a 1991 electrical incident. This made it difficult to talk to students about why they would want to move back in — which is the basic premise of my article. But I did manage to speak to at least two families who were bringing their kids back, and I talked to the students as well.

I must have about five separate instances in my notes of some form of the statement, “Why would the Health Department lie to us?” Well, there are good reasons, but they are difficult to explain. As I type my notes, I plan to publish samples of them and develop the story more or less live online.

As we all know, the Democratic National Convention begins tomorrow at 4 pm, Denver time, with a
pretty heavy duty chart. (The Gemini Moon is setting, exactly opposite Pluto, which is rising.) As I’ve mentioned in Astrology News and elsewhere, the chart directly references both the Asian tsunami and the Sept. 11 incident.

Since I last mentioned the topic of the presidential campaign, Barack Obama and/or his bosses have chosen Joe Biden as the running mate. And the spin machine is running at full throttle about how close the race has become.

I adore one particular McCain ad that casts him as this Churchill-like leader, fighting big corporations and standing up in the War for Might and Right. Then at the end there’s the measly weak voice of a guy saying, “I’m John McCain and I approved of this ad.”

The whole electoral process seems to have gradually entered the Dreamtime since 2000, which is to say that we live in two realities at once: our great democracy where we choose our leaders, and a dirty system where the news is propaganda and the election results are cooked, where election machines register the other candidate, .

We cannot live in both worlds at once. They have nothing in common and they are not on the same plane of reality. I’ve always marveled at how, when election time comes, millions of people with no experience or special knowledge, not so much as the Boy Scout merit badge for citizenship, become experts in politics, whose viewpoints are worthy of everyone’s attention.

It is the emotional rather than rational aspect to the electoral process that allows it to be subverted as badly as it is. People often vote their “pocketbooks,” which is another way of saying that most votes are cast on the basis of what we fear. I don’t think that the race issue has been confronted directly yet. Most white people of any privilege are terrified of Africans, though this terror often lurks in what astrologers call the 12th house, the shadowy world of denial, fear and projection.

Given all of that, I could easily see a large swath of the population, even a majority, choosing to elect a zombie, no matter who manages to steal the elections behind their backs at the same time.

We humans alive in the 21st century — like people of all ages, and despite our formidable technology — have an extremely narrow view of existence. Some people travel; most have no idea what occurs outside their own town, neighborhood or family. This is no way to run a country.

Eric Francis

1 thought on “A day at the Dioxin Dorms”

  1. “We humans live in the 21st century — like people of all ages, and despite our formidable technology — have an extremely narrow view of existence. Some people travel; most have no idea what occurs outside their own town, neighborhood or family. This is no way to run a country.”

    this summary is excellent, magnanimous, stupendous even; peace well

    p.s., perhaps gravity doesn’t exist

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