![600_full_moon Chart for the Full Moon, cast for Kingston, NY. The ascendant will be Leo through much of the northeastern United States and move toward Virgo and Libra in the western states.](https://i0.wp.com/planetwaves.net/news/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/600_full_moon.jpg?resize=534%2C668&ssl=1)
Today’s edition of Planet Waves Astrology News, which will be sent to subscribers by about 9 Eastern Time, looks at the relationship implications for the Aries Full Moon of Oct. 4, 2009. Incidentally, that is St. Francis Day (when you can bring your llama, cat or dog to church some places). Here is the chart, with a few details. Note the opposition of the Moon and Sun across Aries and Libra; that’s what makes it the Full Moon.The Moon and Sun are always in opposite signs and houses for the exact Full Moon. It is an opposition or the peak of a cycle.
In this chart, the Sun appears in the 3rd house and the Moon appears in the 9th house. Remember, the houses will change depending on where you are in the world; to see the chart for your area, you need to cast it using your own coordinates. However, the positions of the planets don’t change; only the positions of the angles (such as the ascendant) and the houses.
You can see the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune on the 7th house (middle of chart, right hand side), an appropriate placement for the themes of today’s article, which focuses on queer youth movements and polyamory going beyond their old definitions and social identities. Whatever the style relationship we chose or need to choose, they all have one thing in common.
We also see a lot of Virgo activity in this chart, on the lower left: another triple conjunction of Venus, plus newly-direct Mercury (still slow and powerful) and Saturn. These three planets oppose Uranus in Pisces (top, toward the right, in blue) which is conjunct the asteroid Juno. This meeting of Uranus and Juno could be summed up as “reinventing marriage.”
Mars (symbol from men’s bathroom) is close to the south node of the Moon, which is about the need or the effort to old emotional rage and violence, and indeed negative emotional habits of any kind. If I were reading this chart cast locally for a specific question, the 12th house would suggest that the habits were both hidden and rooted in fear.
Mars is closely trine Uranus in Pisces, which suggests an opening for what I’ll call ‘spiritual’ energy — higher vibration energy from a nonphysical or not conventionally physical source. Mars has squared Eris (a glyph that looks a lot like Mars), which was exact midweek. Therefore, this is a separating square, suggesting that the subject matter is in the past — which fits the theme of Mars on the south node: we see something here about resolving old anger towards women.
While we’re on the subject of gender, Venus is in Virgo: both thoughtful and self-critical. There is the capacity for logic if you can let go of that thing about striving for perfection by means of picking every last zit.
Here in the Puget Sound area the ascendant is in Cancer exactly (to the degree) on my natal ascendant. So, once again, i’m an ancient geek, this time for the Full Moon.