‘A beacon of light’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

Dear Eric,

I found you for the first time in a Google search in January of this year, and read the January horoscope for Virgo. It really made me sit up and take notice, especially after a number of tumultuous experiences in my life recently. You really tapped into what is going on in my life, and has been going on (Virgo Sun, Scorpio Rising). Chelsea sent me the Virgo annual for last year to give me an idea, and that was the clincher. I wish I had joined a year or two ago! But I also find that the Scorpio annual is equally right on for me, as well.

Since then, I’ve been reading your horoscopes, Virgo and Scorpio…and waiting for them with baited breath in my email…to grasp some sense of what’s going on amid the heart-wrenching confusion in my life, and to try to understand the others around me and better relate to them.

You’ve been a beacon of light in a crazy world. It’s as if you’re writing them to me directly and you can see exactly what’s going on: Virgo and Scorpio, relationship-wise and professionally.

I am familiar with a lot of the horoscopes on the web, and while there may be some truth to them, I find they lack depth and tend to be more of a “Mickey Mouse” variety…i.e., not serious. If someone really wants to change themselves and hopes to make a more meaningful contribution to the world, then they would work with your wisdom.

Very best wishes,

Lori from Sunnyside

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