Here is a chart that I think every astrology student would benefit from studying. This is what the sky looked like the moment when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas. What about this chart describes the event? Who is the implied perpetrator? If you know some of the basic rules of horary astrology, see if you can apply them.
Here is an earlier article on this topic.
And consider this: it’s not good for your health to know too much about this.
“In the three-year period which followed the murders of President Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, 18 material witnesses died – six by gunfire, three in motor accidents, two by suicide, one from a cut throat, one from a karate chop to the neck, three from heart attacks and two from natural causes.”
The assassination chart definitely speaks to me…that Sun in the anaretic degree of Scorpio pushing on the midheaven is only the beginning of it! One of the worst charts I’ve ever seen.
Thanks Len! This is a really interesting chart.
Thanks Eric for giving us students of astrology a great chance to discuss, learn and apply ideas.
Yeah, I wasn’t sure what to make of that Mars conjunct Venus. But is very striking there in the 10th with Mercury-Vestas also in the 10th house in Sag.
I see what you mean about Merc-Vesta piece indicating an infiltration.
In a lecture I attended by Phil Sedgwick, he mentioned that Ceres carries a lot of weight. She’s a real voice of authority, a voice of re-conning, and she gives voice to those who don’t have it. Interesting that in this chart Ceres is square Saturn and conjunct Neptune. If Sedgwick’s interpretation holds true I wonder if in this chart the Saturn square Ceres indicates an conflict between the establishment and status quo wanting it to stay that way and an attempt to represent (say by Kennedy) and support more marginalized voice. With Ceres in Scorpio I wonder if it is sexual in nature. But with Ceres conjunct Neptune it’s almost live that voice wasn’t clear, or it was in denial about if it really had authority or could speak out.
Eric: Thank you for the chart, observations, supplemental information and conversation.
Genevieve: Excellent point about Pholus. Thank you.
be: Yes, your observation regarding Pluto and the nodes is very wise and resonates with me very deeply. Very thankful for you.
eric this is brilliant, thanks so much for making these available for us. the only kennedy
assassination i remember was that of bobby on the heels of mlk, vaguely, i wonder what would happen if those charts were compared as well. sounds like a project ….hmmm.
thanks again
That is peculiar that Mars and Venus are conjunct. Both the planets have signs that are intercepted, making it almost impossible to express through a house that they rule, although Venus also rules the 3rd house which could have to do with information (3rd) of value and/or paid for (Venus). But their sign and degree(s) does fit into the U.S. Sibly chart, opposing 7th (partner or open enemy) house Mars in Gemini (2 or more) and squaring 9th (big picture) house Neptune (illusion or coverup) in Virgo (details). Then too, could it perhaps represent the 1st lady (Venus ruler of Sibly 10th) and homeland (Mars ruler of Sibly 4th)?
Also, the assassination chart’s Pisces Chiron in the 1st house is conjunct the Sibly 3rd house Nessus (9+ Pisces) who himself is conjunct Ceres and square Uranus in Gemini of the U.S. chart. Uranus (in Sibly 6th house) (co)rules the Sibly 3rd house. This could refer to the fact that it was being televised or filmed (3rd) and that it was shocking (Uranus) and put us all in touch with our grief (Ceres). Nessus could represet revenge and/or deceit.
Pluto in the Assassination chart just happens to be square the present day north and south nodes of the Moon. If an overlay of these nodes were put on this chart it would put Pluto in the south bending where it is difficult to express and is best released or given away.
and in case anyone is wondering, that quote about the witnesses deaths came from here:
When I was little, my mom explained to me that by law the raw files from the investigation would be released when I was about 75. Imagine hearing that as a little kid. A lot can happen in 75 years. I recently watched a very worthwhile documentary on the Zapruder film. Just knowing about that 15 second or whatever stretch of film is enough to make you doubt the official story if it even had a shred of credibility.
That said: I too wonder if the truth will come out, if it’s even contained in those vaults. I trust that as an old guy I’ll have my wits about me and an extra 25 years of journalism experience and I will be eager to see what’s in those boxes that was not in the Warren Commission report.
The chart talks about one colossal lie. Everything crucial is in Scorpio or square Neptune.
Vesta-Mercury sure does have an odd way of gleaming out, but to me that says “human sacrifice.” It also speaks of the determination/devotion of the assassins (rulers of the 8th house) and yes there is a sexual inference; but remember that the Vestal Virgins were present at all important state functions, holding space. The Mercury-Vesta alignment looks like an infiltration of some kind.
The sex stuff — I have always puzzled over Venus conjunct Mars in this chart.
Hey Eric,
Do you think the government will ever release what actually happened to Kennedy? Seems from the chart that it might run too deep and implicate too many important people for them ever to do that.
That Saturn on the ascendant screams the government did it and they’re the “secret” or “hidden” enemy behind the scenes, especially since Saturn is square Neptune. And with Saturn in Aquarius, a collective sign, it implies that we all (as a society/collective) had a hand to play in it. Saturn is also conjunct Pholus – small cause, big effect – and the Moon. That could speak of a lasting impact this event had over decades or generations, on our society and our psyche. With the moon there it speaks of a big emotional impact on society, but it’s veiled or in the subconscious.
With Jupiter conjunct Eris in the 2nd trine some very personal planets would this indicate that Kennedy himself was breaking from the mold, breaking ranks with the Powers That Be and so they decided to off him?
The 9th and 10th houses are loaded. With the Sun at the very end of Scorpio conjunct the midheaven (a very public point in our chart), and on the cusp of the 10th (Jupiter’s house), would this indicate the “public” is the open enemy?
Would this Sun in Scorpio conjunct midheaven also bring a very intense reaction from the Public to Kennedy’s death? The reaction was as passionate, strong, sharp, intense. There was a very intense, painful reaction to his death from the public. That would seem to also tie in with the Moon being in Aquarius, almost like the psychic pain rippled through society.
That Neptune square Saturn, Pholus and the Sun seems to be adding a layer of denial on our part as seeing what this really is and how it effect “us”.
On the other side of the midheaven, the 10th house is packed with a lot of personal planets. Mercury is conjunct Vesta and Mars and Venus are conjunct. With the 10th house representing governments, corporations and institutions, it’s also a contact point with the world. With Mercury conjunct Vesta, the message of this event to the public is that the “government” or factions in the government will “sacrifice” their leader, Kennedy, if need be for their agenda. That no one is indispensable. And with it square Chiron from the 10th house to the 1st house, it’s a square between the public and the self and between the inconvenient benefict and this message of sacrifice. That maybe those who assassinated Kennedy really thought that they were doing this for the greater good.
The mercury conjunct vesta seems really interesting – is there also a deeper sexual message here?
The question itself: Saturn, ruler of the ascendant
The president: Jupiter, ruler of the 10th house
Nature and cause of death: Mercury, ruler of the 8th house
Open enemy: Sun, ruler of the 7th house
Secret enemy: Saturn, ruler of the 12th house.
Just like in the 9/11 chart, the significator of the secret enemy is close to the ascendant, rising in the 12th house: a hide in plain sight kind of position.