The Daily Aspect: Sunday, Nov. 2

Neptune stations direct.

Photo by Eric Francis.
Photo by Eric Francis.

The planet of delusion, dissolution and ecstatic states begins to move forward through the sign of the people. What does this mean for you? Perhaps you will begin to receive new vibes while in groups, or have groups recieve new vibes from you. Either way, look for new ideas and new emotions about your communities and the strangers you meet everyday. It might seem like a little trickle has become a torrent.

Dreams, and also obsessions, may begin to pull on you in a new way, urging you into action. Neptune is also the planet of faith and spirituality. Starting now, and continuing for a good while, the question of whether or not you are living up to the principles and ideals you admire could become very pressing. This is a good thing! Interesting, as the American Presidential Election is just two days away!

1 thought on “The Daily Aspect: Sunday, Nov. 2”

  1. You mean to tell me, I am going to get through this purge with some values and principles in tact. I’ve been melting down for some years now. (The lifting of the veil is such a refreshing nice ethereal metaphor.)

    Maybe my naivety came from the majority rule or institutional support to meet my dependencies. It just never quite fits in totality and sometimes not at all.

    I am down to mining the resources I have and utilizing them. I really do live on an abundant little planet. Perhaps, collectivity will come from there.

    But back to values and principles, my question is, can I just have them or live them? Do I have to continue to fight for justice? As your site attests to, the injustices are many. As a friend told me on a major meltdown, you live in a corrupt world. Ouch!! That side of the duality I live in, is a struggle. But then again, maybe that is not my responsibility.

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