Astrology Ahead: Aspects for Sept. 29 through Oct. 5

Dear Friend and Reader

This week’s highlight is the New Moon, which occurred in Libra early this morning, covered in detail in this post. Libra is seeking balance and justice; Mercury retrograde is asking us to look at our relationships with others, and whether they reflect what is truly meaningful to us.

We are all feeling the quiet sense of uncertainty that is in the air, verging on outright fear — but the one reassuring thing is that we’re all in this together. And I think that just below the fear, many people are becoming conscious of their anger.

It’s sure to be an emotion-filled week, with the occultation of Mercury the Moon on Tuesday, and Mars entering Scorpio on Friday. Challenges are sure to result in great personal reward, so it’s necessary to keep moving forward and looking back as little as possible.

All the activity in Libra and Scorpio is surely making some interesting times in personal relationships. If you’re confused, if you’re struggling, if you don’t know what you want, remember, we are all in this together. Very few people do, and many of the ones who seem like they do are faking it.

Happy New Moon, and read below for further details on the week ahead, written by Genevieve Salerno with some editing by me. The aspects were calculated by Tracy Delaney’s ephemeris at and by Raphael’s Ephemeris.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

29 Monday: New Moon in Libra at 4:12 am EDT. Sun sesquiquadrate Neptune. This is a trigger aspect, but it’s difficult to trigger Neptune. It tends to rise like flood waters that you saw coming months ahead but ignored. Sound familiar? Mercury was (and still is) opposite Eris at the moment of the New Moon. The stuff that you really want to be doing has been giving you goosebumps today. Perhaps you feel like just by imagining your fantasy, you’re tip-toeing on the edge of going crazy. That’s good! It means what you are doing is genuine. Use this feeling today to study the world around you. You are being given a rare capacity to see the projections that others are putting forth in order to get by in our world. A sense of compassion will be helpful today. If you’re going to project anything, let that be it.

30 Tuesday: Moon enters Scorpio at 12:26 pm EDT. Occultation of Mercury by the Moon. Mercury square Varuna. An occultation, like an eclipse, is when the Moon passes in front of a planet (under rare circumstances, it can involve two planets; and when something passes in front of the Sun, that is called a transit of the Sun — also extremely rare). What this means energetically is that for today, emotions are going to come right to the front of your personality. Normally we deny them and they bottle up. It might even feel like you are wearing how you feel on your forehead and what you’ll be feeling will tend to be very intense. Ethics prevents me from telling you what to do, but I can suggest that it may be in your best interest to wait until tomorrow, or the day after to share your thoughts with those closest to you, so that you can gain a little balance to offset what may be an exaggerated feeling of defensiveness. Of course, what comes out comes out. But try to be gentle.

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