Pluto, Lighting a Fire Under Uranus in Libra

We at Planet Waves have become dissatisfied with the rate of progress of the Uranus-Pluto square. Where is the revolution? Where are the upheavals and jolts of rebirth of our society? Where are the pangs of freedom? Where’s the party? So far, all we’ve got back for our collective efforts has been a fizzled out Occupy, and a few videos from Anonymous and the iPhone 5.

Let's get right to the point -- Uranus conjunct Pluto in 2221.
Let’s get right to the point — Uranus conjunct Pluto in 2221.

Question — did Sunday’s Aries New Moon, ruled by Mars, feel a little ‘different’ to you? Upon further analysis of the retrograde that Mars is making through Libra, it’s clear that the planet representing maleness is going to go so far backwards into this sign ruled by Venus that Mars will actually invert itself, emerging on May 19 as the first transgendered planet.

Okay, so, we admit, that is something. We’re doing awesome on transgendered rights. Queers can get married lots of places and you can smoke a joint in Denver and not get arrested.

That’s all very Uranus-Pluto, but is that all we get? What’s taking everyone so long to wake up? Why is Monsanto still conquering the world? “American Spring” is about to come out as a Victoria’s Secret ad campaign.

We’ve decided that the current astrology is not powerful enough. Plus, everyone is bored with it already. So we’re skipping ahead to the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 2221. Yes, we could have gone to the Uranus-Pluto opposition, or the conjunction of 2104, but that one is in Taurus, and it will take too long to have an effect. Yes, it will be pretty and might actually feel good. But it will be conjunct Eris and it might be really confusing. Plus there will be a Moon-Venus conjunction in Aries and everyone else’s revolution will sound better than your own.

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