A glance at the VP debate astrology

Dear Friend and Reader:

Here are a few key points from tonight’s debate astrology.

Eric Francis

First, the Moon is void of course. It’s in late Scorpio and it’s made its last major aspect — a square to Neptune — and makes no new major aspects before arriving in Sagittarius tomorrow. This suggests that whatever happens in tonight’s debate means less than we think; there might also be some surprises, but what happens under a void moon can have the feeling of a fabulous line drive foul ball.

Mars (which rules the important 7th house cusp, and the 12th house) is void of course, changing signs from Libra to Scorpio. This is maleness seeking its identity and not finding it. This is interesting for some reason…it suggests pulled punches and a veiled agenda of some kind. Mars in Libra is not going to be all that assertive, and v/c it’s going to be even less so, though it’s undergoing a transformation process. But something is odd about that Mars, like we’re going to hear something tonight that we’re not supposed to hear. I am figuring Mars represents Joe Biden.

Venus is in Scorpio, a good picture of Sarah Palin: shrewd, presented as a sex object, passionate, a bit mean and high on the whole trip of being a presidential/vice presidential candidate. She is square Chiron…going from one emotional high to the next, heading for some kind of mishap. She may yet be called upon to step down as the vice presidential candidate.

Vesta is rising, exact to just over one degree. She seems to be a protective influence, more than anything. But she’s not really visible…due to that retrograde condition. Remember she is there.

I think that Sarah Palin is going to look like the winner to Middle America — but that it won’t matter as much as anyone things. Despite all the tension and speculation in the air, this is an election that’s going to be decided on Election Day. Here is the chart for the festivities, displayed below. (If it’s not there yet, refresh the page in a few minutes.)

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

Vice Pres Debate
Vice Pres Debate

34 thoughts on “A glance at the VP debate astrology”

  1. Barbara Koehler emailed me this comment:

    “Gardener” twice criticized Gwen Ifill, the debate moderator, for not asking follow-up questions. This was forbidden in the agreed-upon format: no followup questions from moderator. I’m sure it was harder on Gwen, who is a very thorough interviewer, than it was for the viewers that she could not pursue the questioning.

  2. The first time I heard the term “Fuck me shoes” was about 11 years ago – a term used by some black women I knew. haha – the toes and heels had to be hanging out to qualify as fuck me shoes. You know – slides on high heels with sparkly things and fluff. They were more into sucking on toes. Now why is that?

    She was probably groomed by the oil execs.

  3. This is what Wolcott said about the Dark Mother winking (got it from Kos):

    “Good thing Palin didn’t blow a kiss at the camera or Lowry might have fucking fainted. I’m not a licensed psychotherapist but when you think the people on TV are addressing you personally and directly it’s often a sign of incipient dementia.”

  4. Eric, you think she’s Dark Mother? I was just reading some dude’s blog, he said she was Kali Ma.

    It’s like she was drafted in virtual reality according to focus groups. Keep the wink, we like the wink. Now add a smile, lift the lipcolor just a touch, shorten the skirt .75 centimers. I see Dorothy, the Naughty Librarian, Wonder Woman, Betty Boop, Minnie Mouse. This chiquita comes with lots of outfits. She’s either a Rorshach or a succubus, whatever you want her to be.

    That *competition* vibe she’s got goin on is pretty effective. Let the little lady step up to the table, gentlemen. Just a friendly little game of basketball/poker/global diplomacy.

    I’ve had the thought a couple times that Death Star Halliburton funded some lab in the Azores to grow her from like an ear of GM corn or something.


  5. Take a look at this from National Review Online:

    “Projecting through the Screen [Rich Lowry]

    A very wise TV executive once told me that the key to TV is projecting through the screen. It’s one of the keys to the success of, say, a Bill O’Reilly, who comes through the screen and grabs you by the throat. Palin too projects through the screen like crazy. I’m sure I’m not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, “Hey, I think she just winked at me.” And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can’t be learned; it’s either something you have or you don’t, and man, she’s got it.
    10/03 12:08 PM”

    These are very lonely, strange and sad little people. When someone this glamorpous comes and says she’s one of them–for whatever reason, sincere or not, it must really float their boat.

    Oh yeah, she’s Mommy alright, for the cult of boy-men who have yet to mature into real ones.

  6. Hey Eric:

    Heard from a couple of good sources that she seems to be under a heavy Neptune spell, which could add more illusion to her already heavy and heady glamour.

    I heard a great line tonight from Gary Shandling on Bill Maher’s show. He said, “to prepare for the debate with Palin, Biden must have watched lots of tapes of Johnny Carson interviewing Charo.”

    Again, I reiterate. Obama needs to be in double-digits in polls and exit polls so that they don’t try and use fungible trends in states to steal this election. Please don’t think I’m kidding when I say this.

  7. Fe, if I may elaborate, my erotic fantasy was to bend her over a table. hike up her skirt and eat her from behind. So I guess they could be called Eat Me heels.

    I say this understanding that she could be the puppet for the military dictatorship — that is why it’s so meaningful to me. It’s not that I want to suck the pussy of a fascist; rather, I am acknowledging her hypnotic power. Her fantasy power. The MYSTICAL LONGING that she evokes. For MOTHER. Only she is Dark Mother.

  8. yeah i caught the legislative branch statement too but hoped she meant in the constitutional sense. It seems to me like everyone is freaking out over nothing but I’ve been about 100 percent wrong during my entire 2nd guessing political motives career, of which I am the executive.

    JanesD – haha Good one! But I think it’s great that she can wear high heels.
    Since you are into motive, maybe she wanted to appear as tall as possible next to Biden? What size heel does she wear when appearing with McCain?

  9. JanesD:

    “It’s like she just unpeeled the red one piece, quickchanged into the black shantung negligee and now its the Vice Presidential Election portion of the competition. ”

    Ding. Ding. Ding.

    That’s seriously one of the most hilarious descriptions I’ve heard about her and her act yet. Can I send that in to Daily Kos to use as a Diary title?

  10. io:

    You’ve just hit Palin on the cosmic head. For some good astrology on her right now, check out Nancy SOmmer’s blog at Starlight News. You’re dead-on about Neptune.

  11. fe:

    Thing is I’m used to Hillary, who is literally frightening. I might actually cross the street if she was heading my way, like she’d either quickly whip a garotte around my neck as she was passing or, you know, text something ominous about me to her personal gestapo. Bill totally lucked out to be chosen as her concubine, got to be President and everything while she probably hung out in the basement of the Pentagon barking orders to the U.S. submarine fleet whilst monitoring the 24 hour tails she’s still got on her old boyfriends from high school.

    Sarah just plain freaks me out. It’s like she just unpeeled the red one piece, quickchanged into the black shantung negligee and now its the Vice Presidential Election portion of the competition.


  12. The more I listen to Sarah Palin’s interviews (like the one today about how she was annoyed that Katie Couric did not allow her to steer the conversation in an INTERVIEW), the more I believe she is under the self-deluded cloud of transiting Neptune. She clearly has no idea how she is coming across to people with common sense and the only way I can explain it is that candy-colored veil that hangs across her eyes that allows her to see things that really -especially about herself, do not exist.

    Is it Neptune or is it the hubris of her Leo ascendant? Bill Clinton is a Leo but for God’s sake the man’s a Rhodes Scholar and LUCID.

    Any analysis of this woman’s chart would be greatly appreciated…would be interesting to compare her chart to other Aquarian leaders…

  13. Gardener:

    I shuddered when I heard Palin make that remark about expanding the role of the Vice Presidency to make it a legislative one as well. That is simply not in the Constitution, as Biden pointed out. Another Cheney only with less experience in foreign policy?

    The strange thing about that remark was that it felt like a little “signal” to me, alot like Bush when he used “Dred Scott” in a speech suring the 2004 campaign–signalling to right-wing Christians that he was going to increase activist judges on the SCOTUS without giving it away to a more moderate audience (or press).

    That “signal” I think was to fellow neocons, and I worry that Eric may be onto something about her being the perfect tool as a figurehead puppet for a military takeover. She’s got all the making: ambitious, ruthless and not too bright, or scrupulous.

    Obama needs to poll/exit poll in the low 60s. That way, there will be less plausibility of them stealing this election.

    We’ve got to work like b**ches to get him elected.

  14. JanesD:

    I totally noticed the suit she wore last night. It wasn’t a conservative wool suit. It had a sheen that outlined and highlighted her curves. A Vegas-like outfit. And then those four-inch heels.

    She was totally Caribou Barbie last night. The smiles, the wink to the cameras, they were completely playing up the sexual subliminal message. The costuming was deliberate.

    What was interesting, though, is that when Biden took over the second half on foreign policy, he was on his turf and for her it was slippery ice. The patina wore thin, and her answers coming from the script were well-rehearsed but not responsive to the actual question. So much for cramming on policy 101 using a tape recorder 24-7 for a week.

  15. There are plenty of places on the internet news sites to find out how Biden and Palin scored with facts. The thing is, none of the women can be wrong or seen to be emotional, and neither can the black guy. Biden gets the facts wrong a lot, but everyone makes excuses for him. Why? The women and the black guy get crucified when they screw up or have an opinion that is not held by the majority, either direction – take your pick.

    I think obama will ultimately be a fine president, if elected. Frankly, I like Sarah better than McCain. I like Hillary better than Sarah, and I like Ron Paul’s idealism better than all the above.

    The remark about expanding the vice-president’s office was a little worrisome and I wish the moderator had asked Sarah for more details. What did it mean, if anything? Maybe she isn’t aware of all the details of what Cheney did and only meant she’d spend more time doing some of the things she says that McCain has asked her to do, such as work with the special needs children. it is like her saying, “What does a vice-president do?” Well hells bells people, we all know what the constitution says, but I thought I got what she was asking. The moderator sucked.

    Obama reminds me of an African American boss I had once who was super intelligent, as well as fair-minded about people in general. Obama seems like he is always a little above whatever fracas is being stirred. He doesn’t get riled, and that’s a good thing for a president. It is a good quality for anyone to have.
    I’ve worked for other African Americans who had such big chips on their shoulders they couldn’t function at all. Obama doesn’t seem to bring too much baggage to the table, unless he’s the Manchurian Candidate or something..


    Biden Won, Because He Made Forceful Case Against McCain
    By Greg Sargent – October 3, 2008, 12:05AM

    Many people will analyze this debate by asking whether Sarah Palin outdid her previous disastrous interview performances, and hence proved she just might have the mettle to be a Vice President, after all.

    But a better way to decide who “won” tonight is this: Which Veep candidate most forcefully made the case against the opposing presidential candidate?

    By that standard, the winner by that measure was unquestionably Joe Biden. He made a far stronger case against John McCain than Sarah Palin did against Barack Obama. It wasn’t even close.

    Tellingly, Biden was the first to target the other ticket’s presidential candidate, laying into McCain over his “fundamentals of the economy” gaffe, a core contrast point for the Obama campaign. That immediately forced Palin to go on the defensive — in the context of a discussion of the presidential candidates — which she did with the silly argument that McCain’s “fundamentals” line was a reference to American workers.

    Biden also drew a devastatingly sharp contrast between Obama and McCain on Iraq. While Biden admittedly wasn’t at his best at times during the first half, when the debate drifted onto foreign policy turf, Biden clearly found his footing, and then some. He stared right into the camera as he made the case as clearly as you could ask for.

    “We’re spending $10 billion a month while the Iraqis have an $80 billion surplus. Barack says it’s time for them to spend their own money,” he said. “This is a fundamental difference between us: We will end this war. For John McCain, there is no end in sight to end this war. Fundamental difference: We will end this war.” And Biden hit a very strong riff on how McCain’s foreign policies are indistinguishable from those of George W. Bush.

    To be clear, Palin did outperform in many ways tonight, and did clear a basic competence bar. She was far more in command of the material than she has been in her catastrophic interviews. And there’s no reason to doubt the reports we’re hearing about relief and even elation in Republican and conservative circles.

    It’s also true that Palin did get in some blows on Obama, hitting him somewhat effectively over his willingness to meet with foreign leaders and blasting him for waving the “white flag of surrender” in Iraq.

    But here’s the key: Even on those issues where Palin did score with base-pleasing hits on Obama or Biden, the unshakable reality underlying all this is that public opinion agrees with the Obama-Biden view on the core questions discussed tonight. And Biden seemed to proceed from a firm understanding of this point, articulating a big-picture contrast between Obama and McCain on the economy and on foreign policy with gusto and intensity.

    That will prove far more consequential than whatever narrow success Palin had in outdoing previous expectations, and in proving her own baseline competence. And as a result — this being a race between two would be presidents, after all — the public will give this debate to Biden by sizable margins.

  17. No Doubt that’s what Rove and Cheaney have been baiting her over confidence with.

    Baiting her with the idea that she will be the gleaming queen of the world with unlimited power

  18. “But something is odd about that Mars, like we’re going to hear something tonight that we’re not supposed to hear.”

    “What was particularly frightening was her suggestion to expand the role of the VP’s office”

    Yeah I think we weren’t suppose to HEAR the real meaning of that. No Doubt that’s what Rove and Cheaney have been baiting her over confidence with.

    There was an article earlier this week by Naomi Wolfe in the Huffington Post that posed Palin as the new titular head of the Cheaney-Rove drive toward oligarchy. She drew Palin in the likeness of Evita Peron against the landscape of a police state. Her hot-head Principal “Maverik” long cold in his grave. Naomi seems more than a bit hysterical saying this could be our last real election and then iron curtain here we come. But damn it I just can’t put it past them.

    What we weren’t suppose to hear was also in her blythe self admittance that she was going to give the no-answer and “talk directly to the American people.” Directly , saying nothing of substance and leading us in to a den of snakes that all want to fuck her from behind.

  19. Re: “we’re going to hear something tonight that we’re not supposed to hear.” Maybe this refers to the two times she mentioned what a crappy job the current administration has been doing.

    Re: veiled agenda, I think the problem with Sarah Palin is not that she’s clueless but that she is shameless in her misrepresentation of the issues. The spin is so exaggerated it comes off as cluelessness to informed observers, and those same informed observers assume that other citizens share their astuteness. But I know a few uninformed observers, and I see them buying wholesale into the spunk and sass and “made in America” home-style pride that Palin’s selling.

    Prime example: her comments about emissions. “As we rely more and more on other countries that don’t care as much about the climate as we do, we’re allowing them to produce and to emit and even pollute more than America would ever stand for.” (Bonus points for “We have got to encourage other nations also to come along with us with the impacts of climate change.”) The message I heard from her comments was that drilling for domestic oil is the answer to carbon emissions. This is patently nonsensical, to borrow Palin’s term. But do the average Joe Sixpack and hockey mom know that?

    And when she talked about “dictators who hate America and hate what we stand for, with our freedoms, our democracy, our tolerance, our RESPECT FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS” I had to laugh at her shamelessness. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

  20. So Biden brought up the kids and dead wife again and started boo-hooing. AAauuughhh. If Sarah started crying the media would have jumped all over her. And James, black is the ultimate professional color for women, unfortunately. One of the sales executives where I worked said that many of her suits were black, but that she wore pink blouses with the black suits at meetings so her boss wouldn’t yell at her. Maybe Sarah needs a pink blouse or two?!? Maybe when more women are in charge of the executive boards there will be less criminal activity and more color. Hillary probably would have won if she’d worn black pantsuits more frequently and disregarded the advice to laugh and smile more often! In fact, in the debates where she did well, was she wearing black? Have to check that out.

    The ‘feeling’ I got from the debate was that Biden was sort of entranced by Sarah. On the stage afterward he kept stroking her arm and she even looked at his hand for a brief second and backed up a tiny bit. whoaaa!

    Biden was a gentleman during the debate, not pointing out her one stand-out gaffe, and she was charming to him. Biden stated several untruths about Obama.

    The big loser was the debate chairwoman. Not one follow-up question!

  21. I swear those lecterns were wrapped in woodgrain shelfpaper. Sarah came dressed as Trinity from the Matrix; the colorscheme on set was Early Superman.

    This thing was a Godzilla movie, bare moments before the stomp & chomp.

    Is this supposed to be real? Seriously? Does anybody else get the feeling that the real action is somewhere else?


  22. By the way, tonight in Alaska, the court threw out the appeal by state Republicans to block the troopergate investigation on Governor Palin, who is accused of abusing her role as governor and acting in conflict of interest by intervening in a personnel matter involving her ex-brother in law.

    The prosecutor, Steven Branchflower, plans to conclude his investigation and report his findings on October 10th.

  23. I’ve had a sick feeling of anxiety tonight before watching the debate. I was preparing myself for the usual rash of lies and attacks that have always sickened me throughout the last eight years.

    At first Biden was droning abit and was flatlining the instant polls, then he got better as the evening wore on. Particularly in the foreign policy section, where she was so totally not even in the same room let alone same league.

    What was particularly frightening was her suggestion to expand the role of the VP’s office. Good God. Cheney in a skirt and four-inch heels.

    I was moved when Biden spoke about his family and picking up the pieces after he lost his wife and daughter. Her response didn’t even register she was listening.

  24. “And I don’t think the Goddess is smiling on her.”

    Smiling, no – laughing yes, and with ‘tolerance.’ But… poor little Sarah. Her jaw is freezing up as she goes. Can you hear the crackling?

  25. Well she also has a way of subjugating herself and then trying to top her from the bottom. Let’s see wot happens. I don’t think that Moon-Neptune represents something accurate…if it’s a feeling it is distorted, all squares to Neptune have that…

    Also that Moon is quincunx Eris and 1992 QB1. Palen is extremely dangerous but she’s also a fuckup waiting to happen. And I don’t think the Goddess is smiling on her.

  26. Eric,

    I wonder if tonight’s Moon suggests that we are left FEELING something (in Scorpionic fashion w/ aspect to Neptune) rather than knowing something, learning something about the candidates. If indeed mars indicates Biden, it’s worrisome that he is excessively aggressive toward her (following a week of everyone piling on). McCain and the Republicans cry foul and “gotch-ya” and every-mom is left feeling badly for their Sarah. I’m sure he’s been cautioned to keep his tone civilized and respectful but Palin has a way of being very nasty and that may push his buttons. God I hope not.


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