View from above…

Black Rock City as seen by satellite in 2005, taken from NASA World Wind. Personal creation from NASA World Wind program, zoomed in and centered on Black Rock City. Photo from Wikipedia and edited by Eric.
Black Rock City as seen by satellite in 2005, taken from NASA World Wind. Personal creation from NASA World Wind program, zoomed in and centered on Black Rock City. Photo from Wikipedia.

An overview is often a helpful thing: this is what we’re talking about with Black Rock City. About 43,000 people filled the city at its peak this year, though I need to confirm that when the Burning Man office settles down to business as usual in a couple of weeks. “The Man” — the neon and wood effigy of a man from which the event takes its name — is at the center of the C. Center camp is that darker black dot along inside rim of the C; the line going from that black dot to The Man is called 6:00. All streets leading to the playa are given time time of day, in half hour increments. This establishes a crude address system by which mail can be delivered, to addresses such as “4:30 and Chaos.”

The center of part of the playa is one mile from end to end; that open space in the middle is a mile in diameter. Many other art installations are put in that space, but The Man stands tall, a glowing point of geographic and spiritual reference night and day. I’ll have photos of that Thursday and in Friday’s edition of Astrology News, where I’ll look at the symbolism of burning a man in effigy.

6 thoughts on “View from above…”

  1. Hey jlo, just wanted to let you know you can apply for hardship tickets to burning man. They’re still expensive, but about half as much. If you really wanna go, there are ways. lots of my broke friends make it out there okay!

  2. Hey jlo. . .I thought he rocked too! Sardonic – yes, fool – no. He will get his healthcare bill enacted and probably just in the nick of time. Pretty soon the tough aspects, for him, and for us, will surface or re-surface and it will be all about the economy. .again. But this was a big one!

    As far as Photographica’s influence, what great shots of Mrs. Kennedy, the Repub’s sitting on their hands while the Prez made such great points, and that one dumb-ass who called him a liar. My, my, what a way to further your career. Pictures do tell a story.

    As for you, keep up the soul world edification in your community. We change the world one person at a time, most of the time. What you do and have already done will speed up the process of making all cultures open to expression by reducing the fear of being different. I can feel it coming. be

  3. Bigfoot, the scene is like a skip and a jump away from my locale, and yet, never been. Friends bring stories throughout the years, sites have words and pictures… It’s almost a shame I chose awareness in poverty. $200.-$500, doesn’t seem much, but for the less than monetarily endowed. I’m working through the really off chance I make a buck this year around, I Must go. My heart aches so bad for the culture that allows freedom of expression,… I work tirelessly within my own immediate environment to communicate with folks who have half a clue as to the state of the Soul World. (Seriously, there’s a lot of good cats out there! Some are slow but, we’re all gettin’ there.)

    BK!! What did ya think of the speech? That dude rocks, in my opinion! He seems to be getting a bit sardonic, eh!?! It’s about freakin’ time! (Dude threw out a few good slaps, to those who genuinely deserved them!) ….. I almost get caught up in idealistic fantasies when he speaks, but I’m quickly regrounded with reality when the dumbasses open their mouths!

    …and I say row,…. Jimmy row, gonna get there, I don’t know, change is comin’ way below, I say row, row, row, row, row….

    Smiles, Love, Peace, Joy, Awareness, Beauty, (some other stuff),

    Your very chill friend,


  4. Eric: your photos are wonderful, but they make my heart ache. I’ve only been there once in 2006 but the experience made such an impression on me that I understand what people mean when they welcome you home to BRC. My funds have been too sparse to return since then and a house fire destroyed my camping gear last summer. Ah well…maybe next year. Thanks for the photos, they really bring back some memories.

  5. Awesome picture! Thanks Eric for sharing your experience at Burning Man. It sounds like an amazing experience!

  6. Thanks Eric for sharing your photos from this past week with the Planet Waves family. We can really sense your excitement from this experience. Speaking of symbolism and burning, the present trine between Photographica (Pisces & pictures) and Mars (burning) in Cancer (family) has no doubt had its effect on you. I wouldn’t be surprised if the President didn’t use that same energy tonight in his address to the joint Congress and the U.S. with a video or slide show, since Mars rules the event chart. What a wonderful tool to share experiences, educate and drive a point home. We all love pictures!

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