Observation tower at Burning Man 2009

Observation tower at Burning Man 2009.
Observation tower at Burning Man 2009. Photo by Eric Francis.

There is nothing too complex, too expensive or too large to bring to Burning Man. That’s the first element of logic to embrace. If it needs a truck and four days of assembly, that’s what you do. If you need five people to assemble it, you bring them or you find them. If it requires power, you bring a generator and fuel. Many people spend much of the year preparing what they’re going to do at Burning Man. If this is an experiment in sustainability, it’s that of the imagination.

True, plenty of people show up with their sleeping bag and a backpack, and the the ones who go to all ends and any effort seem happy to welcome them and their relative ease of travel. The gift culture spirit is about making it as easy as possible for whoever you can.

I think in doing this we’re accepting for a moment the survivalist aspect of existence on Earth. I often say that life is a camping trip. For the people who created the structure you see above,В  it’s a camping trip to which you bring a three-story, wrought iron observation tower decorated like a harlequin; to which you then invite the public to visit.

In the next photo, I’ll have a view of the camp from on top of this thing.

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