Today’s weekly audio is below!
Editor’s Note: If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article tells you how to use the spread. You can visit Sarah’s website here. –efc
By Sarah Taylor
I have been drawing a lot of aces in my readings recently — both for myself and for my clients — and there seems to be an atmosphere around right now that supports the idea of new beginnings, which is what I believe that aces are associated with. So I thought that today we would focus on the aces in a tarot deck, and the ideas that they bring to a reading.

Each ace has a different quality, but they all share the same idea: that of initiation. Each represents the purest potential that its suit offers to us. It heralds the arrival of a thought, a feeling, a creative spark, a new method. It is the inspiration that precedes incarnation — it is what we draw upon from above and then manifest in the world.
As the major arcana describes the journey that our consciousness takes as we move through life, so each suit of the minor arcana describes an evolution in a particular area of our lives. The ace is the starting point of that evolution, as we take its gifts in the form of inspiration, and forge our own experience as we move along the path, ace through to ten, page through to king.
The path is not strictly linear, in that we may find ourselves seemingly going over the same experience again; and we may jump around the cards from time to time. But even if it feels like we’re traveling in circles, or going backwards, we are constantly moving forward: we revisit old ground in order to seek out something new in it, and we use what we find — no matter in what form it comes — to continue on our path. We also make different journeys along the same cards depending on what it is that we have chosen to focus on. We end one journey, and start another. We travel several paths at the same time. But at the beginning of each one, there is the moment of ignition in the form of the ace.