The Weekend Tarot Reading – December 26, 2010

Today marks a change to the format of The Weekend Tarot Reading, which feels fitting in the run-up to the New Year. Given that many of the mid-week articles focus on a single card so that we can build on our knowledge of the tarot deck, I felt that it was time to expand the Weekend Reading to three cards — not only as a point of differentiation, but also to give the reading more complexity. Think of it as an experiment of sorts — an invitation for synchronicity to step in and work with us. Let’s see how things take shape.

The High Priestess, The Hermit, Queen of Wands - RWS Tarot deck.
The High Priestess, The Hermit, Queen of Wands from the Rider-Waite tarot deck, drawn by Pamela Colman Smith.

This reading feels spiritually significant, and it feels like an integration.

Given that two of the three cards are from the major arcana, the reading is not so much about the outer, day-to-day workings of life, but rather inner processes and transformation.

The first things that I notice in this reading are the figures themselves. All three cards have as their subject one lone individual that dominates the picture. Female, male, female. Seated, standing, seated. The background blue, grey, then blue again. Each has two ‘props’: The High Priestess her scroll and the crescent Moon, The Hermit his lamp and staff, the Queen of Wands a sunflower and a black cat. Together, the three figures and their symbolic companions tell a story.

The High Priestess works in the dream state. She is mistress of the liminal, that psychic space between spirit and everyday life. She is ethereal, and embodies the energy of the Moon, exuding a quiet luminescence. When she is doing her work, she travels to a source that is in but not of her, and brings its light to bear on the matter at hand.

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