Editor’s Note: If you want to experiment with tarot cards and don’t have any, we provide a free tarot spread generator using the Celtic Wings spread, which is based on the traditional Celtic Cross spread. This article tells you how to use the spread. You can visit Sarah’s website here. –efc
By Sarah Taylor
Fermentation. Clarity. Conjunction.
After a necessary period of ‘being in the dark’, remaining still, and trusting on those abilities that lie beyond the five senses, it is time to take what we have received and bring it into the wider world — that world where our lives touch those of others.
When I looked at The Moon having drawn the three cards for this week’s tarot reading, the first thing that came to me is the word that opens this article: fermentation.

“Psychologically, the Fermentation process starts with the inspiration of spiritual power from Above that reanimates, energizes, and enlightens the alchemist [read: anyone who is on a conscious journey of self-development]. Out of the blackness of his Putrefaction comes the yellow Ferment, which appears like a golden wax flowing out of the foul matter of the Soul. Its arrival is announced by a brilliant display of colors and meaningful visions called the “Peacock’s Tail.” Fermentation can be achieved through various activities that include intense prayer, desire for mystical union, breakdown of the personality, transpersonal therapy, psychedelic drugs, and deep meditation. Fermentation is living inspiration from something totally beyond us.” — alchemylab.com
The Moon is a time when our inner world is set into a different relief. Things that we’re used to seeing clearly are shrouded in shadow; feelings and sensations relegated to the background in everyday life start to make themselves known. This is symbolised by the creatures in the card: the dog-like figures have ceased their usual activity, transfixed by the moon, while a crustacean — denizen of the deep — crawls on to the land.