The Weekend Tarot Reading — Sunday, June 22, 2014

By Sarah Taylor

This week, we have what seems to be at a cursory glance a very ‘masculine’ spread of cards: Knight of Disks on the left, Prince of Cups on the right, and The Fool at the centre. Except things aren’t always what they first appear to be.

Knight of Disks, The Fool, Prince of Cups -- Rohrig Tarot deck.
Knight of Disks, The Fool, Prince of Cups from the Rohrig Tarot deck, created by Carl-W. Rohrig. Click on the image for a larger version.

Given that The Fool makes his appearance as a major arcana card — and given he is at the ‘centre of all things’ — the reading is focused on the larger, soul-based work that we do as individuals. This is The Fool as our practice of self-expression. I write that it’s a practice of self-expression because we have a few things occurring simultaneously in the interaction between and among the triad.

First, while The Fool is associated with our own fool’s journey through life and therefore refers to our soul development (or, perhaps better, “recovery”), the presence of two court cards, which enclose it, signifies that we are dealing with a particular person, or an aspect of the personality. More often than not, it applies to a characteristic that is expressing itself dominantly, or seeking expression, in the person observing the spread.

Second, there is a clear message in the first two cards that this is an aspect of personality/psyche (Knight of Disks) that is coming to a shift — moving away from the close of one theme, to the opening of another. This is because the Knight of Disks is the very last card in the tarot deck; The Fool is the very first. From very last to very first: this is a significant turning point.

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