Today is Thursday, Sept. 29, 2011. The Moon is now in Scorpio, where it will remain till early Saturday morning. Though we don’t often mention the speed of the Moon, it’s currently near its fastest daily motion, so this visit to Scorpio will be relatively brief. This is the equivalent of the Moon moving in direct motion (quickly, near the Earth) — easier progress and more straightforward communications. Though it never goes retrograde, the equivalent would be a slow Moon (far from Earth), when progress seems slower and it may be a bit more difficult to relate what you feel.
The Sun has just made aspects to Chiron, Uranus and Pluto, which suggests we’ve been through a busy few days. Now the Sun is gradually approaching a conjunction to Saturn in Libra. This is a time to focus on discipline, to pace yourself and to refine the nuances of collaboration. Sun-Saturn is the time to work toward long-term goals, but make sure you take action today.
There is an aspect happening now that deserves some specific focus. Mars in Leo is opposite the asteroid Vesta in Aquarius. Vesta is one of the patron saints of Planet Waves. The brightest of the asteroids, it was discovered in 1807. Named for the goddess of devotion, Vesta is about service, consistent effort and sexual healing. I also view Vesta as bestowing the gift of inner focus, and nurturing one’s sacred flame of creativity and sexuality. [Planet Waves last year published a premium edition on Vesta, called The Sacred Space of Self.] Vesta is now in Aquarius, a perfect sign for this energy. Aquarius is the very image of service: the water-bearer gathers the water in her urn, so that she may share it. Vesta is a bit cool and detached, as can be Aquarius. But deep within the energy of both is passion, which drives the willingness to serve.
Vesta refers to the story of the Vestal Virgins. We know more about them than we do about this particular goddess herself. Many are historical figures. They were honored by Rome, and were present at all important state functions to hold space. That is essential to the delineation of Vesta: the use of space (for example, in a household), and holding space for important functions such as healing.