Mercury-Saturn: A Get Real Moment

Pumpkins that survived Hurricane Irene. Photo by Eric Francis.

Today is Thursday, Oct. 6, 2011. The Moon is in Aquarius all day, harmonizing with the Sun and many other planets in Libra. Overnight, the Moon made a conjunction to Vesta, the brightest asteroid, illuminating the inner temple with the soft glow of Moonlight. Vesta is the creative space within, where we tend the fire of creativity, sexuality and anything else calling for devotion. The Moon is waxing toward full phase, which is exact on Tuesday, Oct. 11 — the Aries Full Moon. I preview this in today’s edition of Planet Waves FM.

No matter what kind of mood you wake up in, keep your mind on fairness, justice and the right thing happening. A Moon-Mars opposition early Thursday morning may come across as a disturbance or stress point. Keep going; maintain your focus. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction represents a necessary and for many people positive development, the kind that comes with careful thought, balance and a commitment to equanimity. We don’t see much of that in the world these days; we have a way of expecting everything to be unfair and the deck constantly stacked against the underdog. Today is a day where the psychological playing field is level.

Little Mercury may seem to be no match for vast and mighty Saturn, but there is a dialog going on between these two energies, and that includes the potential for actual respect. Mercury has advantages over many planets because it moves quickly and with purpose — and it can be stealthy. But Mercury in Libra is not trickster mode; it’s Mercury at its most eloquent. Clear, balanced reason is the most persuasive thing you can use today. There is no need to speak loudly or convince anyone — particularly yourself — that you’re right. Simply be true and authentic, and say and do what you must.

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