Thresholds of Integrity — Mars Into Virgo

Mars crosses from Leo into Virgo at 7:05 am EDT Tuesday to disclose thresholds of integrity. Whether you cross into greater or lesser integrity will depend on how you respond to probable new discoveries that may alter your awareness. Conventional awareness correlates a Martian ingress into mutable earth (Virgo) with admonishments to be productive, with a kind of physical pragmatism. The potential this time around, however, looks to be very unconventional because of the initial aspects the red planet will make from new ground.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mars will land on Virgo ground next week in an immediate earth trine to the Taurus toehold of minor planet 1992 QB1, which is retrograde. Simultaneously, Mars will open a functional in-sign opposition to retrograde Neptune on the threshold of Pisces.

It has been a long time since Mars has made either of those aspects to either of those objects upon landfall to Virgo, much less both at once. When Mars last left Leo behind for virgin fields in November 2011, Neptune had just returned to direct motion in Aquarius. In addition, you must go back to the first half of the 20th Century for the last time 1992 QB1 was traversing an earth sign. 

Hence, the next Virgo incursion for Mars implies how you, and everybody else at once, are about to discover some things that may never have been discovered before. Furthermore, those disclosures will probably lead you across thresholds never crossed before to yet further discoveries, which is subject matter that correlates directly with 1992 QB1.

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