Sort It Out In Solar Scorpio

There’s good reason for you to anticipate the Sun entering Scorpio at 2:10 am EDT Wednesday. It may be your next chance to sort everything out.

Astrology by Len Wallick

What remains of solar Libra looks to be like many people born under this sign: characterized by the endeavor to find or make balance.

Given an Aries lunar eclipse, a Scorpio Mercury retrograde station, and two slow, distant objects (1992 QB1 and Makemake) taking rare sign changes all over the next five days or so, balance may be your best objective until solar Scorpio is attained.

What with its undeserved punk reputation, solar Scorpio may seem like an odd time to consolidate your life. It’s not odd at all actually, because Scorpio is a fixed water sign.

When the Sun enters any fixed frequency (Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo), the season initiated by the immediately previous solar ingress to a cardinal sign is commonly consolidated. About this time next week, many people in northern temperate latitudes will begin to say “It’s finally autumn.” Simultaneously, for a lot of folks in the southern hemisphere, it will begin to look like spring.

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