Hooking Up — Last Quarter Moon

The Moon flowed into its Cancer domain overnight to form a grand water trine with Neptune in Pisces and the newly Scorpio Sun today. Shortly after Noon EDT Saturday, Luna will have entered the solar kingdom of Leo. By Saturday evening, the Leo Moon will have moved into a square aspect from the Scorpio Sun, opening the last lunar quarter phase.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The lunar last quarter, in turn, will be your chance to hook up with an awareness of the astrology and the world to come.

One way the last quarter Moon will hook you up is an awareness that it’s the halfway point between the Aries Full Moon/lunar eclipse of Oct. 18, and the Scorpio New Moon/solar eclipse of Nov. 3.

Eclipses usually take place in pairs. Occasionally there will be three eclipses in a row, as was the case from April 25 to May 25 of this year. Either way, the weeks between the first and last eclipse of a cycle will frequently be an unusual succession of days, during which an unusual amount and degree of change takes place.

During the unusual days between the opening and closing eclipse, it’s easy to get lost in the changes. The last quarter Moon this weekend will help you get oriented, beginning with the certainly of having gone halfway. Hooking you up further will be how the luminary constituents of the lunar last quarter (the Scorpio Sun and Leo Moon) orient to each other before moving to aspect the planets.

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