First, Do No Harm — Mars, Pluto and Chiron

Our major aspect for Halloween this year starts with Mars and its traversal of Virgo. From the midst of mutable earth, Mars will oppose Chiron in Pisces while connecting with Pluto in Capricorn, in a conductive earth-sign trine. Taken together, there is a lot of energy in that arrangement with the implied admonition to prioritize doing no harm. Since Mars aspects get started early, so should you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mars often manifests as double-edged. The scary thing is, you often choose which edge. The energy you use to sustain your physical integrity in a world with teeth can also cut the other way to hurt yourself and others.

An opposition to Chiron indicates some discretion in the cards for Mars as it expresses through you and others. Still, it comes down to you doing the job in ways both creative and uncompromising.

Considering how the often-straightforward nature of Mars contrasts with the complexity of Chiron provides a clue for how to begin.

Chiron is a great teacher, but not for lazy students. The proverbial “Cliff’s Notes” will not pass for understanding with the first centaur. That is how Chiron returning to the sign and degree of your birth (usually age 50-plus) often represents the attainment of a maturity both subtle and sophisticated — or not.

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