Always — Taurus Full Moon

The Moon reaches full opposition to the the Scorpio Sun shortly before 10:16 am EST Sunday with a dual sense of what will be, and what need not always be. It will be a Taurus Full Moon because tropical Scorpio is always opposite Taurus, and the luminaries (Sun and Moon) at the same degree of opposing signs are always a Full Moon. It will also be a good time to contemplate your own sense of ‘always’ and whether it is consistent with fact. 

Astrology by Len Wallick

It is fact that the Moon is not always opposed to the Sun from our earthly perspective. It is but a moment every month or so, and each of those monthly moments is in fact always somehow different from any other.

Even when we have another another Taurus Full Moon about this time next year, it will not be at the same time, nor at the same place on the zodiac. Even if another opposition of the luminaries should, in time’s vast expanse, duplicate both the degree and timing of Sunday’s Full Moon, it will take place in different aspect to the rest of the planets and during different events here on Earth.

Hence, even in the continual periodicity of terrestrial and celestial cycles, there is only one ‘always’ (or ‘all ways’, if you will): constant change. You might want to begin your Full Moon meditations now by sensing how you feel about that.

The dominant human paradigms of our time often resist change and give ‘always’ a negative connotation. For example, a lot of effort goes into walls that hold back the sea, levees that constrain rivers, and laws that seek to preserve political and economic stasis. A lot of expense goes into buttressing those walls, maintaining those levees and enforcing those laws.

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