After All This Time — Chiron Stationing Direct

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated to the unfinished work…
— Abraham Lincoln

Chiron resumed direct Pisces motion today after more than five months of retrograde, much as it did a century and a half ago. Chiron occupied Pisces when a disparaged but resolute President of the United States spoke briefly in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 150 years ago to this day. Chiron was stationary to the arc minute, but nonetheless direct when Abe Lincoln directed humans back towards humanity they had lost. Yet, after all this time, the work remains unfinished.

Astrology by Len Wallick

After all this time, the federal judiciary of the U.S. allows the police of New York City to stop and frisk without due cause even though the actual practice is undeniably racist, and hence illegal.

After all this time, many of the states which constitute the United States legislate to deny women autonomy as regards the health care of their own bodies, even though such measures violate the nation’s law. 

After all this time, both behind the walls of prisons and on the very streets of America, de facto slavery not only persists but is enfranchised in order to further enrich and consolidate the political hegemony of the very few with most of the wealth and power.

After all this time, Chiron is repeating its performance of November 19, 1863, as a demonstration of its complex and nuanced nature in astrology.

Part of Chiron’s nature is to get your attention. Wherever a quick reflex removes a hand from danger, whenever a noise awakens you to check on a child, however your senses bring you to the moment, Chiron is there.

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