More Fully Conscious — Solar Sagittarius Begins

The Sun enters Sagittarius at 10:48 pm EST tonight just as it does every year at about this time. This year in particular, solar Sagittarius begins with a specific and implicit encouragement for you. This particular solar ingress to Sagittarius, in spite of its late hour for many, will symbolically encourage you to be more fully conscious of yourself as part of the universe, because of both its timing and its initial aspect.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The timing will concern what the Sun’s complement and ruler of Cancer (the Moon), and the ruler of Sagittarius (Jupiter) will be doing when the Sun enters Jupiter’s realm.

The first solar aspect upon ingress to Sagittarius will be to a little asteroid with a big name. As with most things in astrology, it’s best to begin with a look at the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and return to see how that asteroid fits in.

When the Sun enters Sagittarius this evening, the Cancer Moon will be precisely conjoined with retrograde Jupiter. In this case, precisely means to within one tenth of one degree. That is pretty amazing timing.

To realize just how amazing, please consider that the working definition of a precise conjunction is usually two objects sharing the same degree of the same sign. The Moon shares the same degree of the same sign with Jupiter for about two hours every month. If you narrow the definition of “precise” down to one-tenth of a degree, you are talking about 10 minutes or so out of every month. That indicates a very specific correlation to anything else going on at the same time.

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