My, How You’ve Grown! The Centaur-Sagittarius New Moon

The Sagittarius New Moon on Monday at 7:22 pm EST will be a precise conjunction of the luminaries (Sun and Moon), as all New Moons are. Making this particular New Moon unique will be two centaur objects: Orius, in the same degree of Sagittarius as the luminaries, and Chiron, squaring the triple conjunction of Sun, Moon and Orius from Pisces. All told, that configuration indicates a good time to give thanks for how much you have grown this year.

Astrology by Len Wallick

What’s more, probability favors the new lunar cycle (or “lunation”) initiated by Monday’s New Moon will promote even further growth between now and next year, provided you can embrace what growth is.

Growth is not easy. No matter who, now matter how, the easiest path is to avoid growing. It is by far easier to remain the same. That’s the paradox of both centaur objects and square aspects for astrology.

Square aspects correlate to when you are put on the spot, requiring you to do something for relief. More often than not, whatever action you take to get off the spot has a fringe benefit. Usually the act of relieving the tension associated with a square aspect leaves you stronger, more resourceful and more confident than before. That’s growth. It’s not easy, but you are better off for the effort.

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