Katie, Open The Door — A Martian Entrance To Libra

You should open a door as ceremony when Mars enters Libra at 3:41 pm EST Saturday. If you are at home, open the door to your residence. If you are in an auto, wait until it’s safe, and open the door to the car. If you are relating, open your heart. If you are alone, open your perception.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Open some sort of door and welcome Mars to Libra, where it will be until July 25, 2014 because of a biennial retrograde. Open a door because power will come knocking, and asking for you.

Power does not come knocking every day. Though you may, it would not be to your advantage to turn this particular power away. Rather, it would be a good idea to define the word “power” so as to better recognize Mars on Libra’s doorstep.  

The word “power” has a lot of meanings, many of them subjective, and not all of them accurate. That’s how it makes sense to begin with the objective, scientific definition, which, according to The Random House College Dictionary, is: “energy transferred per unit of time.”

Energy and time combine to define power, and as Robert Hand put it, “Mars is an energy planet.” Most fundamentally (continuing to paraphrase Mr. Hand), Martian energy is what you employ to remain alive and whole, and to stake out your place in a challenging world. That’s enough reason to open your door right there.

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