Between — Gemini Full Moon

Like every Full Moon, the Gemini Full Moon at 4:28 am EST Tuesday (but unusually functional now) will feature the Earth moving between the luminaries (Sun and Moon). Unlike other oppositions of the luminaries, the Gemini Full Moon will appear against the background of intergalactic space while the Sun is nearly conjoined with the core of our galaxy. That will place Earth, and you, between in more ways than one.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The Galactic Core is a broad expanse of sky, even from here. Intergalactic space is as wide as the sky itself. That’s how it’s fair to say that Tuesday’s Full Moon is functioning now as the luminaries approach opposition.

Configurations and alignments of luminaries, planets, points and assorted objects often correspond to analogous events in your life. A Full Moon is perhaps the most well known example.

Unlike many other aspects, a Full Moon is plainly visible. As such, a compelling visual cue reinforces what you are feeling on other levels — being between the solar emblem of waking consciousness and the lunar symbol of the other half of your life.

Most of us are well connected with solar consciousness. Not everybody is as familiar, or comfortable, with the mysterious source of dreams, where emotional needs, intuitive aptitude and childhood are so deeply rooted. Hence, when the two representations of your psyche’s major constituents oppose you can feel a fulfilling wholeness, or traumatically torn, or even some of both.

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