Reaching Equilibrium — Approaching the Capricorn Solstice

Approaching the Sun’s ingress to tropical Capricorn at 12:11 pm EDT Saturday is like reaching equilibrium, if you will have it that way. Length of daylight is very much the same from one day to the next now. Sunrises and sunsets are also in very much the same place on the horizon. That’s how it’s tempting to lament an inertia, but astrology’s implications are otherwise, especially this year.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Earlier today, the last lunar cycle of the year culminated when the Sagittarius Sun lined up with Earth and a Gemini Full Moon. As if to make it an emphatic peak, the Galactic Core was included in today’s Full Moon alignment. 

Also today, Uranus (a planet associated with change) resumes direct motion after five months of apparent regression back through Aries since July 17, 2013.

Based on the Gemini Full Moon and Uranus’ pivot forward, it appears that you are not being stuck with inertia. It is instead as if any and all trends have gone nearly as far as they can go. It is even as if a turning with the Capricorn solstice has already started. In the meantime, however, it would be a good idea to sit with the solar equilibrium until the Sun turns on the horizon as well, and starts setting further and further north again. You would be in good company with the ages if you do.

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