Team Up — Mercury Enters Capricorn

Mercury enters tropical Capricorn at 5:12 am EST on Christmas Eve to imply the formation of a team you may participate with, to further the manifestation of a new season in your life — and that of the world. The implication of a team being formed is derived from the fact that Mercury will be joining the Sun, Venus and Pluto in wearing the apparel of cardinal earth. For that is what happens when a planet changes sign.

Astrology by Len Wallick

To paraphrase astrologer Sheila Belanger, the archetype any given planet represents is clothed in the sign it occupies. That’s how more than one planet in a sign represents a team in uniform.

The Capricorn team now forming is distinguished in part by how it is coming together rather quickly, as well as by its uniform. Pluto is the veteran, having worn the same jersey continuously for over five years now (with a decade or so to go on its contract).

Venus assumed Capricorn garb only on Nov. 5, and the Sun will join the team at 12:11 pm EST this coming Saturday, initiating a new season for us all because that’s what happens when the Sun enters a cardinal sign.

Given that Capricorn is a cardinal sign, any team wearing its uniform will be collaborating to initiate something. If you choose to participate, take the initiative yourself and begin something new.

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