Be The One — Mars Opposing Uranus

Mars reaches a Libra milestone with opposition to the Aries lair of Uranus shortly after 3:33 am EST on Christmas Day. In the energetic context of the holiday, and the astrology, Mars opposing Uranus is all but begging you to be the one. Wherever you are, you can be the one who makes a difference. You can make a difference now because of how aspects from Mars tend to be functional in advance.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Both Mars and Uranus express in your life as energy. You are more likely to feel Mars as your own energy or as energy from others in personal relationship because Mars is a personal planet.

The so-called “personal planets” may be said to include the Sun and Moon along with Mercury, Venus and Mars. What they have in common is how they complete their cycles of the zodiac many times in your lifetime.

Uranus, on the other hand, takes about 84 years to complete a cycle of all 12 signs. That’s how the formidable energy associated with Uranus corresponds more often to events in the world at large. World events usually combine cycles longer than a single human life (which eventually become history) and sudden changes resulting from a bigger dynamic than one person alone can control. 

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