Continuity: An Astrologer’s Look Back, and Ahead

At the stroke of midnight tonight 2013 will be history. Nevertheless, the astrology of the year now waning with the Moon will continue for and through you into 2014. For you and the rest of the us, planets outside the solar system’s main asteroid belt (most notably Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) will continue a uniquely concurrent combination of configurations to define our era as unlike any other, anticipating perpetuity in the process.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Through you and your experience, celestial patterns of 2013 not soon to repeat will become part of the continuum of history. Participation in the historical process will in turn strongly imply something about your own continuity as part of the universe.

Just as it was in the year now passing, and just as it was the year before, the big picture for astrology in 2014 will be the continuum of cardinal squares from Uranus to Pluto.

Now nearly halfway through a predictably tempestuous seven-year traversal of energetic Aries, Uranus is keeping things interesting. Granted, the proverb of “interesting times” as a curse has touched all of us over the past couple years, leaving serious bruises and painful scars. Nevertheless, it’s not making light of such wounds to say that Uranus will contribute significantly to make 2014 boring only for those not paying attention. It will not always be that way, and those in generations to come may well envy the dynamic (if dangerous) alternator that galvanizing Uranus is to glacial Pluto.

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