Prelude To Growth — The Astrology of 2014 Begins

Three separate components of today’s astrology can be interpreted together as a prelude to growth. Specifically, three possible stages of your own personal growth in 2014 are being symbolically anticipated now.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The process started with yesterday’s Capricorn New Moon, and continues with a cardinal square from the Capricorn Sun to Mars in Libra later today.

The third component is an opposition that is exact tomorrow, but functional now: from Mercury in Capricorn to retrograde Jupiter in Cancer.

Every New Moon is a conjunction of the luminaries, or put another way, the Sun and Moon sharing the same degree of the same sign. Every conjunction of Sun and Moon serves in turn as the template through which all conjunctions are interpreted, and all conjunctions correspond to a beginning.

The beginning represented by a conjunction is then followed by growth. You can see the growth that follows a conjunction of the luminaries with your own eyes. Starting today, the Moon separates from sharing the same sign with the Capricorn Sun and enters Aquarius. 

As the Moon gradually continues to separate from the Sun in the days to come, the illuminated portion of the Moon will grow from one night to the next until the side of the Moon facing Earth is fully lit by an opposition to the Sun — a Full Moon.

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