A Handle On Your Situation — Sun and Moon, Mars and Jupiter

Whatever 2014 has brought you so far, the sky is offering a way for you to grasp it like a handle. Like most of astrology, it begins with the luminaries, Sun and Moon, today. Unlike most days, the configuration of the luminaries is being mirrored by two planets, Mars and Jupiter.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In combination, the Sun and Moon, and Mars and Jupiter, are also probably mirroring something of your situation, which implies how the handle is that of a tool available for your use.

Today is the lunar first quarter, an Aries Moon half lit and half dark, halfway across the sky from the setting Capricorn Sun. That configuration, which you can see with your own eyes, serves as the prototype for all opening square aspects.

Any situation correlating to today’sĀ opening square aspect from Sun to Moon implicitly corresponds in turn to somethingĀ that originated with the New Moon on Jan. 1. That was when the luminaries were conjoined in Capricorn, and the Moon was nowhere to be seen.

That’s how to begin grasping your situation today. Since Jan. 1, the Moon has “opened” a separation of 90 degrees from the Sun, and presented you a situation somehow half lit and half dark. Look back one week to find the seed, which (like the New Moon) was not apparent at the time, but which has since become evident according to what you can see and feel now. That will be your handle.

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