Like Ships In The Light — Mercury Enters Aquarius

Mercury leaves Capricorn for Aquarius shortly before 4:35 pm EST Saturday. At the same time, Venus will going the other direction, continuing its retrograde back through Capricorn. Between them will be the Sun, cloaking them in its radiance. That’s because, as they separate on the zodiac, Mercury and Venus are also passing through the sky unseen on either side of the solar glare like ships in the light.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The invisible passages of Mercury and Venus have to do with what is going on unseen inside of you. It has to do with remembering where you have been, and thoughts of where you are going. It’s about finding your own light, and finding yourself. Finally, it will be a matter of horizons, both real and symbolic.

Mercury and Venus are trading horizons this weekend for real. After months upon months as the bright, so-called “evening star” of the twilight sky, Venus will be invisible for a while on its way East.

Venus is invisible for now because it’s moving to pass between Earth and the Sun on Saturday. Venus is moving much as a New Moon does, with the Sun through the daytime sky, lost in your busy day’s light, forming an aspect called an interior (or “inferior”) conjunction with the Sun.

Later this month, Venus will appear again on the other side of the Sun, and the other side of our sky as the so-called “morning star,” which precedes dawn.

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