The Right Thing — Cancer Full Moon

The Cancer Full Moon at 11:52 pm EST tomorrow spotlights how difficult it can be to do the right thing. Fortunately, the astrology surrounding tomorrow’s opposition from the Capricorn Sun to the Full Moon in its home sign also contains some information that will be useful in any difficulties you may face. It has to do with your energy, values, balance and the will to stand in your power. Beyond all that, it means work.

Astrology by Len Wallick

One way or another, it’s likely the new year has found you confronted about the right thing to do. That probable circumstance corresponds to the concurrent configuration of objects occupying cardinal signs on the zodiac circle.

As the Sun enters and moves through a cardinal arena (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) a new season begins. Because astrology begins with the Sun (without which there would be no Moon, no planets, no you), any other object or point traversing a cardinal sign may be interpreted as emulating the Sun.

Right now, there are a lot of sign-ruling planets, other significant objects, and prominent postulated points emulating the Sun’s traversal of cardinal Capricorn by also occupying cardinal signs themselves. Hence, the astrology beginning 2014 implies that whatever you are involved in getting underway is inherently important — perhaps more important than you know.

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