What Makes Us One — Sun Enters Aquarius

The Sun returns to Aquarius at 10:52 pm EST Sunday to illuminate what makes us one. Last year, Eric shared his own illumination of Aquarius as the sign of “Some Of Us Here,” an interpretation which has no doubt been verified by your experience. This year, aspects the Sun makes upon ingress to Aquarius will extend upon Eric’s epiphany and demonstrate how, even among the divisions humans create, there are also connections in common to creation itself.

Astrology by Len Wallick

This year, when the Sun enters the fixed air of Aquarius, it will immediately complete a precise (to the degree) grand air trine with dwarf planet Makemake (retrograde in the first degree of Libra) and centaur object Asbolus (likewise retrograde in the first degree of Gemini). 

What Aquarius, Libra and Gemini have in common is the ancient element of air. What the Sun, Makemake and Asbolus have in common is how they correspond to issues that address both the social divisions and earthly connections among us. What they all have in common at the inception of solar Aquarius, 2014, is the grand trine aspect.

Ordinary trines connect two objects that are in the same degree of two different signs that share the same elemental identity — fire, earth, air or water. Such aspects happen frequently, corresponding to ease and flow.

Grand trines are less frequent. It takes three objects to play, which does not happen every day, much less on a day when the Sun shifts auspiciously from one signature to another to complete the circuit.

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