Rise Above — The Sun’s Opposition to Neptune

Tomorrow at 10:33 am EDT (14:33 UT), the Virgo Sun opposes Neptune in Pisces just as the waxing crescent Libra Moon will be rising above the ecliptic. Holistically, the combination defines a moment for you to face whatever challenges may be yours, and rise above them as well.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Unless you are the carefree exception, it is likely you have been challenged by personal and/or public events lately. You may even have forgotten that responding to tests is what you do best. 

For you come from a long line of beings who have faced provocations (natural and otherwise) and defined themselves by the means of successful response passed on to you.

Even at this moment, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, the environment is trying your integrity on the physical and other levels. If you are where it is cold, your body is working to replace lost heat. If you are where it is hot, your body is working to shed excess heat.

Your every moment alive thus attests to your proficiency for reacting to the world appropriately so as to assure your continuity and define yourself in the bargain. The aspect of oppositions in astrology works (at least somewhat) along the same lines.

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