From Air to Water — Last Quarter Moon

The lunar last quarter, shortly after midnight EST, relates the Sun and Moon from elemental air to symbolic water, connecting you with another way to be in the process. The connection will be echoed by Saturday’s square from Mercury (in airy Aquarius with the Sun) to Saturn (sharing watery Scorpio with the last quarter Moon).

Astrology by Len Wallick

The relationship of air to water also carries over to all three Mercury retrogrades this year, making for a subject to examine now.

There are 12 signs used by tropical, western astrology. Each one is a unique combination of quality (cardinal, fixed or mutable), and element (fire, earth, air or water).

The quality of a given tropical sign is a function of the relationship of the Sun to the surface of the Earth. When the Sun is directly overhead at the equator, moving north on subsequent days, it is an equinox and the Sun is entering tropical Aries. When the Sun enters tropical Aries, a new season initiates, which makes Aries a cardinal sign.

Approximately 30 days after tropical Aries begins, the Sun enters Taurus, a fixed sign. After another month or so, the Sun enters mutable Gemini, which is followed by cardinal Cancer (when the Sun is directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer prior to moving South with subsequent risings and settings), which starts another season and another solar cycle through the sign qualities.

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