Open Ended — Aquarius New Moon

As a rule, every New Moon corresponds to both endings and beginnings for monthly cycles. The second New Moon of January 2014 at 4:39 pm Thursday may well be an exception to the rule, correlating to at least one open ended situation in your life. It has to do with how this Aquarius New Moon will interface with at least two calendars. It also has to do with aspects the luminaries (Sun and Moon) will make when they conjoin at 10+ Aquarius in a few days.

Astrology by Len Wallick

As regards the western civil calendar you most likely use, two luminary conjunctions in January mean no New Moon in February. Symbolically, that leaves February open-ended.

Additionally, Thursday’s Aquarius New Moon opens a new yearly cycle for many Asians — a Year of the Horse, which is a very different energy from the Year of the Snake now concluding.

As Gerry McGuire-Thompson and Shuen-Lian Hsaio put it in The Guide to Chinese Horoscopes, the two signs (Snake and Horse) have “wildly different natures” with a Year of the Horse introducing “wide-open spaces” compared to the “contained” nature of a Snake year.

As with all things in astrology, there is a double-edge to the implication of an open ended period, whether it be a month or a year. Open ended means more potential for solutions. It also means a greater chance of chaos, or at least needless waste.

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