Refresher — Mercury Dips Into Pisces

Mercury dips into watery Pisces at 9:29 am EST tomorrow to refresh your mind. It’s a ‘dip’ because Mercury’s progress through the zodiac will appear to reverse at 3+ Pisces on Feb. 6 — the retrograde station.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Apparent reverse motion will take Mercury back to airy Aquarius on Feb. 12 for the remainder of its retrograde, then a return to direct motion, and finally a resumption of customary speed before entering Pisces a second time on St Patrick’s Day (March 17).

Mercury’s first foray into Pisces will be a refresher for several reasons. First, taking you back is what Mercury retrogrades do, both symbolically (on the zodiac) and in synchronicity with your life.

As Eric quoted Molly Hall in last week’s subscriber edition: “… people and ideas return, for integration, resolution, and more,” during Mercury retrogrades. A tendency for things to return can be put to good use if you are expecting it. Thanks to astrology, instead of being taken aback, you take advantage of what might amount to second or third chances.

Another way you may find refreshment through Mercury’s model of all things mental is how the watery nature of Pisces contrasts with the airy ways of Aquarius. If you have been trying to think or talk your way through seemingly intractable situations without any success since Mercury entered Aquarius back on Jan. 11, the next 12 days might provide some relief.

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