KISS — Mercury and the Moon

The Taurus Moon reaches its first quarter aspect from the Aquarius Sun at 2:22 pm EST Thursday. Mercury shifts into reverse less than three hours later, at 4:43 pm EST. It is rare for the Moon to reach its opening square (90 degrees of separation) from the Sun just as Mercury is all but stationary prior to retrograde. It will feel personal. It looks looks complex. The combination represents a good time to KISS.

Astrology by Len Wallick

KISS, not as an osculation (although mutual consent makes lip-locks pleasant), but as an acronym derived of a four word term: Keep It Simple, Sweetheart.

In the next five paragraphs are five things to keep in mind so you can keep it simple, and be seen as a real sweetheart in the bargain.

First and foremost, fear and dread are not helpful. If you go into any astrology (Mercury retrograde, Sun square Moon, or otherwise) with fear and dread, that is what you will find. Funny how that works, but it does. Simply make the situation work for you instead. Abandon all fear and dread upon entering this particular Mercury retrograde at the lunar first quarter, and a new freedom will be yours.

Next, remember that planets (including Mercury) never actually go backwards. A retrograde is simply an optical illusion. Mercury only appears to reverse its motion when it passes Earth on the inside lane. Don’t let an illusion dictate your reality. Rather, let the predictable timing of the reality, and the illusion the reality gives rise to, inspire your creativity.

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