Taking Shape — Sun Square Saturn

Who you gonna’ believe, me or your own eyes?
— Chico (disguised as Groucho) Marx, in the motion picture Duck Soup

During the eventful first week of November 2013, the Sun and Saturn briefly shared the same degree of Scorpio to begin a new cycle of their relationship. After their conjunction, the Sun left Saturn behind. Saturn remains in Scorpio to this day. Now, as the Aquarius Sun moves toward 90 degrees of separation from Saturn next Tuesday (an opening square aspect), their relationship implies an appropriate time to examine and evaluate what has taken shape for you over the last three months.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The words ‘examine’ and ‘evaluate’ have anxious connotations for many because examinations and evaluations are often conducted by figures and institutions of authority to judge and define you based on the results.

Not so with the approaching square from the Sun to Saturn. Now opens a time when you may become your own authority, walking the narrow path of judging and defining yourself.

How such an opening came to be begins with what the Sun and Saturn symbolize in common. Most plainly, the Sun and Saturn represent the bookends of both consciousness and authority for astrologers.

In his book Horoscope Symbols, Robert Hand concisely equated the Sun’s light with the light of consciousness. For his own part, Jeff Green (in his revolutionary tome Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul) opined that “Saturn defines the boundaries of our subjective consciousness — that of which we are consciously aware.”

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