It’s All Good — Mercury Returns to Aquarius

Retrograde Mercury returns to Aquarius late tomorrow or early Thursday depending on your time zone. If your personal life begins to feel less personal at about the same time, remember — it’s all good. This will not be about loss. This will be about gain.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In a rare confluence and overlap of their respective motions, the so-called personal planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) are symbolically transcending their usual limits together, with implications that you may now do the same.

Mercury, Venus and Mars are considered ‘personal’ because of how they circle the Sun, and cycle through the zodiac many times in a human lifetime.

Hence, the more familiar patterns of your life often resonate with cycles of the Sun and Moon, stitched together by the tracing and retracing of Mercury’s thrice-yearly regressions. These patterns are then bookended with Venus oscillating from dawn’s declaration (as the so-called morning star) to dusk’s diamond (as the misnamed but visually magnificent evening star). 

The biennial span of the Martian cycle often sees longer personal endeavors to completion, and from there it is a long way to Jupiter’s cycle of about 12 years.

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