Breaking Good — Solar Pisces Commences

The commencement of solar Pisces, just before 1 pm EST today, implies good breaks. Maybe it will be a break in the serial winter weather assaulting both sides of the Atlantic. Perhaps you’ll get to exhale after holding your breath for days. You may even break through whatever has had you flummoxed. With an exception for the weather the crucial factor will be your participation in making the breaks happen.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Your participation is implied by how an astounding six major objects will be pairing up to form three major square aspects precisely (to the degree) as the Sun enters Pisces.

Square aspects (two celestial objects separated by 90 degrees) are very personal. There is often a corresponding feeling of personal discomfort, which is usually resolved by personal action to break the tension.

Three simultaneous square aspects concurrent with a solar sign change is a downright auspicious indication that a lot of tension may be resolved soon through action on your part — hence the symbolic potential for good breaks.   

Most auspiciously, the fleet Libra Moon will be precisely 90 degrees away from Pluto’s plod through Capricorn when the Sun enters Pisces today. Moon square Pluto is exact for only about four hours every month. Even those who would discount such timing must certainly take notice of four other major planets simultaneously in duplication. 

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