Coming Across — Sun Conjunct Neptune

The Pisces Sun’s exact conjunction with Neptune at 1:11 pm EST Sunday feels like a dream coming across to change. The specific experience will necessarily be your own. Yet, there are also indications of a global connection with ‘being’ itself. Your part, should you choose to accept it, will be to ground whatever Sunday brings across so as to create rather than be confused.

Astrology by Len Wallick

It begins with grounding the Sun. The actual Sun is day and light to the material world. The symbolic Sun used by astrologers corresponds in turn to the light of consciousness illuminating your awareness.

Wherever the Sun is shining, reality is illuminated so that you can better see it. It works that way in the material world. It also works that way on the zodiac.

Next, the idea is to ground yourself with astrology. Grounding through astrology may seem to be an oxymoron. Yet, there is no contradiction, only truth. For the truth to get across to you, the meaning of grounding must itself be grounded.

Grounding is not being stuck. To be grounded is to be connected through certainty. The one certainty in your life is constant change. It so happens the same is true of the sky. Everything moves up there. Even the so-called fixed stars appear to come and go with day and night, the seasons and the ages, all because of how the Earth itself moves and changes.

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