Shuffle and Deal — Looking At The Big Picture

In astrology and in your life, there are times when it pays to step back from the details and look at the big picture. It would appear now is such a time. It is as though a deck is being shuffled, and a new hand is being dealt. In all probability you felt it begin late last week when something changed in the direction of your life. Now, astrology indicates we are each and all heading into the thick of it.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Paramount in the shuffle are four of the five planets visible to the unaided eye (Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) changing their apparent direction in a period of less than one week, beginning with Mercury’s return to direct motion this coming Friday.

To have four major planets turnabout between Friday and Jupiter’s direct station on March 6 is rare and unusual. Yet, there is more.

The day before Jupiter resumes direct motion, the remaining visible planet (Venus) will change signs. On March 5, Venus will move to a new place in the deck by ending a historic and uninterrupted Capricorn tenure (prolonged by retrograde) that started last year on Nov. 5.

Then, there are the Sun and Moon. Tomorrow, Venus will be temporarily blotted from the sky as the Moon passes directly between Earth and Venus in an event called an occultation — a type of eclipse.

In addition, the Moon is well into a near-monthly series of 12 straight occultations of Saturn which started on Dec. 1 last year. The next lunar occultation of Saturn is timed to take place on the day of the Vernal Equinox (March 20) when the Sun enters Aries for astrology’s ultimate expression of a reshuffling.

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