Bigger Shoes — Looking Ahead to Mercury In Libra

Mercury stepped into bigger shoes when it entered Libra this morning (at 1:38 am EDT, 5:38 UT). You might want to consider how to do something along the same lines yourself. Looking ahead to Mercury’s tour of Libra, the metaphor of bigger shoes appears to entail new patterns of reciprocation in relationship.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The idea of bigger shoes comes from how long Mercury will be in Libra this year. Instead of the usual two weeks in a sign, Mercury will be spending all but two weeks out of nearly ten traversing Libra’s airy cardinal field of reciprocity.

That’s because Mercury is slowing down on approach to station retrograde on Oct. 4. The apparent regression will begin during a foray into early Scorpio, but then returns Mercury to Libra on Oct. 10, where it will remain until Nov. 8.

The upshot is that Mercury will be behaving very much like a bigger planet. The combination of slower-than-usual apparent motion and a double-ingress to Scorpio indicates something of a more deliberate, thorough and thoughtful exploration of what both Libra and Scorpio represent.

Although Scorpio’s fundamental identification with fixed water would seem worlds apart from Libra’s correspondence to cardinal air, there is subject matter in common. The overlap has to do with the subject of relationship. Libra is concerned with the ideal values that make relating possible in the first place — like fairness, balance and the aforementioned practice of reciprocation.

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