Watch, Don’t Blame — To the Vernal Equinox and Beyond!

Don’t blame Mercury. The Sun is not leaving Pisces on Thursday at 12:57 pm EDT because Mercury entered Pisces yesterday. Rather, Old Sol will simply be doing its Vernal Equinox thing precisely on time, creating a day for you to mark. Mark and record what transpires in your life this coming Thursday because of what the Sun’s ingress to Aries means, and because of Mercury, too.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The Vernal Equinox is New Year’s Day for tropical astrologers. Hence, when the Sun enters Aries, it will be a time to look around, then look ahead to formulate resolutions.

Unlike the often inebriated observations made during the eve of Jan. 1 on the civil calendar, reckonings during the Vernal equinox are measurable.

Contrary to the wishful (and often hungover) resolutions formulated after Jan. 1 has become a reality, any progress made on intentions set as the Sun enters Aries are achievable.

Measurable observations combined with achievable goals result in the opportunity to take responsibility for, and control, your life. It happens every year, but not like this year.

Unlike any other Vernal Equinox in recent memory, Mercury will be starting something new of its own just as the solar clock ticks Aries. Literally minutes after the Sun enters Aries, Mercury will pass the degree of Pisces where its apparent motion reversed way back on Feb. 6, breaking new ground on its way to a long-delayed Saturday conjunction with Neptune.

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