Water in Mind — Mercury’s Pisces Parable

With Neptune left behind, Mercury moves on through Pisces this week as if to keep water in mind. That’s because, among Mercury’s many astrological associations, a correlation with mind will often ring true. Also, prominent in the deep reservoir of meanings held by Pisces is water. That’s how water in mind, in actuality, and as a symbol appears to be in store; but wait, there’s more.

Astrology by Len Wallick

This is no average annual tour through Pisces. Mercury this year will be taking you to even greater depths than usual through its aspects to other planets.

Aspects are angular relationships between objects on the zodiac circle. Interpreting any such relationship means creatively combining respective qualities of the planets, signs and angles involved.

The objective of aspect interpretation is to arrive at a parable that actually pertains to your reality. Ideally, the metaphor will also reliably describe something of both your position and available options. For Mercury (and your mind) this week, the through-line for its aspects is both material and metaphorical water.

You know how important water is. Without it, you and most other forms of life would die. You also know how water symbolizes emotions, feelings and intuitive aptitude. Yet, no matter how well you think you know water now, astrology is indicating you will get to know the wet stuff a whole lot better real soon. It will begin with Jupiter’s last leg through the cardinal waters of Cancer. 

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