Consolidation — Aries New Moon

The Aries New Moon at 2:45 pm EDT Sunday will favor consolidation. So, step back from the fray after Saturday. When the Sun and Moon pull together at the same degree of Aries, take the time to pull a few things together yourself. Beyond matters of time, there is also place.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Place is the best reason for consolidation on Sunday. Because astrology indicates you will, in some sense, be going places soon, and you will want to travel light.

You will be going places soon because of what this Aries New Moon will initiate. Sunday’s conjunction of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) will begin a lunar cycle containing two eclipses. There will be an eclipse of the Moon in the middle of the forthcoming lunar cycle (April 15), a solar eclipse at the end (April 29), and one way or another, eclipses always mean going places.

Lunar cycles (or “lunations”) last just over 4 weeks, and are considered to begin and end when the luminaries conjoin to consolidate their energies in the same degree of the same sign — the definition of a New Moon. At least twice a year, a New Moon is also a solar eclipse.

In the middle of every lunation there is always a Full Moon, an opposition of Sun and Moon from the viewpoint of Earth between them. At least twice a year the Full Moon will also be a lunar eclipse, either preceding or following a solar eclipse by two weeks.

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