The Sun and the Cross

Over the next few days, the Aries Sun will preview big astrology later this month. With a cardinal square to Jupiter in Cancer today, followed by an Aries conjunction with Uranus tomorrow, and finally another square to Pluto’s Capricorn position on Thursday, the Sun will be showing you something of the impending grand cardinal cross.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Whether in the sky or on a zodiac chart, the Sun serves to illuminate. Symbolically, the Sun correlates to the consciousness normally associated with daytime and daylight.

For their part, Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter are either at or very near where they will be on April 23 when retrograde Mars will fill the Libra position to complete a grand cardinal cross, precise to the degree.

The precise grand cardinal cross (or grand cardinal square, as you prefer) will feature Jupiter opposing Pluto from across the zodiac and the sky, with Earth in the middle. Mars will likewise oppose Uranus. Additionally, all four planets will be in square aspect (at right angles) to the other two not in opposition. It’s been a long time coming. It will be a long time gone. It’s a big deal for astrologers.

Whether or not this month’s grand cardinal cross corresponds to a big deal for you, it’s probable that you will one day look back and recognize something very unique, and profoundly important, in the quality of this time. Imagine the advantage of seeing it coming.  

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